Tony Melton is one of Circus In A Flash’s performers and has been with the company a long time, but, when he’s not performing for you he is studying hard for a PHD in Chemistry! So what else does this talented man do in his free time? We sat down with him to find out what he likes to do and what entertainment he enjoys doing the most.
So, Tony how long have you been part of CIAF for and why circus?
“Since the halcyon days of 2014. I fell into circus performing almost by chance. I learnt to juggle and to ride a unicycle as a teenager, and always enjoyed the challenge of learning new, tricky skills. For many years I juggled and unicycled only for my own personal enjoyment. I was encouraged to first perform on stage by legendary juggler Pauly Paul and loved the thrill of it and haven’t stopped ever since. If I hadn’t met Pauly I may not have become a performer.”
What is your role at CIAF?
“I am a highly-skilled unicycle specialist as well as being a juggler, diabolist and occasional kids’ party pirate and ninja. I also teach circus skills at ‘have a go’ workshops and school holiday programmes.”
What is your favourite thing to do in your spare time?
“I like to listen to music, discover new music as well as creating awesome playlists.”
What is your favourite thing to do to entertain people?
“I love to do the leap of death on my unicycle – jumping over a prone volunteer on my unicycle.”
What is your favourite performance so far with CIAF?
“I really enjoyed the CIAF performance at the Birkenhead Public Library in October 2020. It was the first show I did after months of COVID-19 lockdowns and it was very special to be back in front of a live, appreciative audience. It was also great to be able and in fact, encouraged, to play loud backing music for the other performers in a library.”