With superhuman powers gifted to her by the Greek Gods, Wonder Woman Parties have joined the Circus In A Flash superhero stable. With her Lasso of Truth, magically indestructible bracelets and extraordinary skills in strategy, protection and escape, WonderWoman will put on quite a show at your party.
With entertainment including optional roller-skate entrance, mini show with hula hooping and interactive acrobatics she is sure to wow. With games to get the kids active and lots of involvement and superhero moves this is definitely a damsels can-do message for girls!
Also available in a more modest costume version with leggings.
Priced from $275 for hour
Available as Online Party nationwide $250 for 45 mins
Duo performers work well with Batman, Superman or Supergirl.
To have WonderWoman teach ariels at your party please enquire or see our Workshop parties.