Sassy Supergirl has the confidence and powers to rival her cousin Superman’s – flight, superhuman strength, speed, hearing and x-ray vision, and is excited to wow your superheroes and involve them in some capers she has planned.
Supergirl’s entertainment includes a mini show with hula hooping and acrobatics like handstands and cartwheels and also some contortion flexibility with her body. She leads games to keep the kids involved and active and gets them up to teach them interactive Superhero moves and partner balances. Getting Supergirl to bring out the cake and cut it with the birthday child is a magic moment.
A positive can-do message for girls!
Priced from $275 an hour
Available as Online Party nationwide $250 for 45 mins
Duos well with Superman and WonderWoman
To have Supergirl teach ariels at your party please enquire or see our Workshop parties.