Strong in the force your young ones must be! Have your lightsabers ready for an action-packed adventure with your Jedi Party Master. He or She will teach your Padawans the way of the Jedi – channelling balance, strength, agility and nerves with interactive challenges and games.
Our ‘Jedi Training Academy’ parties include the Jedi Masters arrival, rounding up the kids, a show with juggling and handstands, some energetic games to keep them involved, and then teaching some Jedi acrobatic type moves with light sabers (we provide). The challenge is then to come up with a duo scene in pairs.
We supply foam lightsabers as part of the party, and if you want the kids to keep them as favours they can be purchased. Another option is to get our pre-twisted balloon swords which either be used during the show or handed out afterwards to keep the fun going. We also sell Storm Trooper and Darth Vader cape & mask costume sets and have Jedi Robes either to hire or purchase.
Jedi party priced from $275 for hour
Also, see our Ninja party here for another option.